The sociohumanistic training of the health professional in Cuba



positivism; medical sciences; sociohumanistic training.


Positivist thinking is characterized to affirm its presence in medicine, despite the evolution that medicine has undergone in more than a century and a half. The aim of this paper was to argue the thesis that sociohumanistic training is radically opposed to the positivist view of medicine. The documentary and historical-logical analyses methods, as well as the theoretical systematization method, were used to evaluate evidence-based medicine as an expression of positivist thinking in medical practice and sciences. The sociohumanistic training of health professionals should be a way to overcome the positivist thinking that still prevails in the field of medical sciences.


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Author Biographies

Fidel A. Díaz Sosa, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara

Licenciado en filosofía. Máster en Pensamiento latinoamericano. Profesor auxiliar de Filosofía.

Yennielys Díaz Acosta, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara.

Licenciada en Marxismo e Historia. Profesora asistente.


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How to Cite

Díaz Sosa, F. A., Díaz Acosta, Y., Pérez García., Y., & Ramírez García, M. (2023). The sociohumanistic training of the health professional in Cuba. Filosofía, Historia Y Salud, 1(1). Retrieved from



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