Fundamentals of the optical and optometric procedure system for the diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson's patients



procedures; patients; Parkinson´s.


Introduction: The system of optical and optometric procedures in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with Parkinson is based on theoretical foundations. 

Objective: To present the fundamentals that underpin the system of optical and optometric procedures in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with Parkinson's.

Methods: The historical-logical method was used to study the genesis and evolution of the object to be investigated. Based on the documentary analysis, the optical and optometric procedures were determined. The systematization made it possible to establish regularities among the authors who have addressed them.

Development: The foundations that made it possible to design the system of optical and optometric procedures for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with Parkinson's were established. This was structured in different levels and established good practices to care for patients with this disease.

Conclusions: The theoretical foundations provided organization, coherence and scientific character to the system of optical and optometric procedures for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with Parkinson's.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Suarez, S., Martínez Pérez, R., Valcárcel Izquierdo, N., Muñoz Alonso , L. L., & Esquijarosa Águila, Y. (2023). Fundamentals of the optical and optometric procedure system for the diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson’s patients. Filosofía, Historia Y Salud, 1(3). Retrieved from



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