Philosophical, historical and scientific underpinnings of the “One Health” approach.
Health, Health Services, Social Determinants of Health, Philosophy, History, Health SciencesAbstract
Introduction: Research in human, animal and plant health has faced an increasingly complex scenario associated with global change that challenges the paradigms that these disciplines have traditionally faced. In this framework, the availability of natural resources, particularly water, has become critical.
Objectives: Offer a look at the importance of incorporating the “one health” approach in the search for solutions to new health problems.
Methods: Theoretical methods, documentary analysis and systematization were used; as well as the historical-logical analysis, which allowed the contrast of events related to the topic, addressed by other authors.
Development: The link between human, animal and environmental health is close and complex. Environmental factors can affect human and animal health and vice versa. Air, water and soil pollution and exposure to animal-borne diseases can have a significant impact on human and animal health. Therefore, a holistic approach to addressing these challenges is essential to promote the health and well-being of all species and the environment as a whole.
Conclusions: The incorporation of the “One Health” approach in all spheres of society will facilitate the solution of complex health problems that will only be resolved with comprehensiveness and higher quality when the actors involved in its application are properly trained in its principles.
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