Medical ethics and the nutrition in serious patients


  • Yordanys Páez Candelaria MINSAP
  • Karima Maricel Gondres Legró
  • Pedro Alexei Bacardí Zapata


Hospital malnutrition, medical ethics, unit of intensive cares


Introduction: The clinical ethics guides the suppliers of medical attention in the process of taking of decisions during the attention to the patient, for it are based it on the medical science, the laws and the politicians, as well as in the respect of the individual's autonomy.
Objective: to describe the principles that governs the medical ethics when prescribing the nutritional treatment of the serious sick persons.
Methods: It was carried out a bibliographical revision, later on discussed, analyzed and compared, coordinated jointly with professors of philosophy of the Ability number 1 of medicine of the county of Santiago from Cuba, experts in ethical topics, and other specialists in nutrition, besides consultations in books and articles published in magazines of high impact in the last 5 years for a better analysis understanding and discussion of the topic.
Development: The problem of the malnutrition and the hunger in the clinical environment are contemplated in the international calendar, since they are not attempted intentional (negligence) against the human dignity (if the access is not allowed to the human right there is injustice) that should not be allowed.
Conclusions: The ethics in the nutrition is an indispensable necessity to achieve an integral medical attendance, based on the scientific evidence and philosophical orientation. Combination that has changed the medical focuses in well of the humanity and that it will continue being developed and looking for new alternatives to transform the thought and acting of the personnel of health for the sake of benefitting the patient integrally.


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How to Cite

Páez Candelaria, Y., Gondres Legró, K. M., & Bacardí Zapata, P. A. (2024). Medical ethics and the nutrition in serious patients. Filosofía, Historia Y Salud, 2. Retrieved from



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