Nereyda Cabrera Cantelar: essential history for medical education



Nereyda Cabrera Cantelar; medical education; personality.


Introduction: The interrelation between the life and work of a personality in an area of knowledge constitutes a legacy and contribution to the construction of science.

Objective: To present the life and work of Nereyda Cabrera Cantelar in the roots of the sciences of medical education.

Methods: Under the dialectical materialist approach, documentary analysis and systematization were used to refer to the arguments associated with the personality of Dr. Nereyda Cabrera Cantelar, researcher and intellectual producer. The analytical-synthetic method was also employed with the periodization procedure.

Conclusions: The study of this personality must be understood from dialectical positions and the premises of the legacy.


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How to Cite

Valcárcel Izquierdo, N., Cantelar de Francisco, N., Chao Sautier , M., & Cantelar, B. (2023). Nereyda Cabrera Cantelar: essential history for medical education. Filosofía, Historia Y Salud, 1(3). Retrieved from



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