Epistemological approach to the care of children and adolescents with enuresis
nursing; family; children and adolescents; enuresis.Abstract
Introduction: Nursing sciences demand an epistemological enrichment that is reoriented to the clinical practice of care. They should be projected to the analysis of physical, psychological, interpersonal, social and cultural aspects in correspondence with the imbalance of the environment-person relationship in the community context of enuresis.
Objective: To reflect on the philosophical particularities of nursing care in the family of children and adolescents with enuresis.
Method: A theoretical trial was carried out in the first quarter of the year 2023, by means of a search in the electronic repositories and databases SciELO, Redalyc, Lilacs, Medline PubMed, e-book and Google Scholar.
Development: Primary Health Care allows nursing science to interpret and transform the processes of enuresis in children and adolescents, with a multidimensional vision; likewise, it contributes to emphasize the psychological and interpersonal aspects of the infant's own environment.
Conclusions: The nursing professional should promote transformations and solutions that raise the family's preparedness and provide quality care.
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