Martí against the cultural colonization of Latin America



Latin America; cultural colonization; José Martí; thought.


Introduction: Colonial domination includes the production and colonization of thought. Western culture has historically presented itself as universal culture. José Martí contributed valuable insights on Latin American identity and fought against cultural colonization until his death.

Objective: To interpret the main ideas of José Martí against the cultural colonization of Latin America.

Methods: Information was obtained through Scielo, PubMed, and Google Scholar. The descriptors Latin America, cultural colonization, José Martí were introduced. 15 articles in Spanish were selected.

Development: Nowadays there is a growth of patterns that indicate the presence of cultural colonization in Cuba.

Conclusions: Martí created an example of human emancipation and national sovereignty through a substratum of cultural identity. Marked by a vision of the world and of man, based on the essence of Latin America, he undertook political action, traced paths, cultivated reason and prepared minds to obtain the longed-for liberation of the peoples.


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Castillo A, Benítez J. Reescrituras de José Martí. Santiago: Editorial Palinodia; 2008.

Sánchez M, Dalama J. Identidad cultural latinoamericana desde la perspectiva de José Martí. Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales. 2012 [acceso 19/06/2023]. Disponible en:

Lamore J. Acerca de la idea de patria en José Martí. Anuario del centro de Estudios martianos. 1990;(13).

Cepeda R. José Martí: Su verdad sobre los Estados Unidos. Habana: Editorial Caminos; 1995. p. 117.

Subercaseaux B. Nuestra América: texto, lectura y contexto. Universum. 2017;32(1). DOI:

Fernández R, Rodríguez P. José Martí en los Estados Unidos. Periodismo de 1882 a 1892. Edición crítica. Madrid: ALLCA XX Colección Archivos; 2003.



How to Cite

Fajardo López, T., Barroso Fontanals, M. E., Pacios Dorado , J. L., & Betancourt Alfaro, H. (2023). Martí against the cultural colonization of Latin America. Filosofía, Historia Y Salud, 1(3). Retrieved from



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